El otro día, uno de los community manager de Fanatics me mandó un correo diciéndome que si quería participar haciendo un 'Look deportivo' con una de sus gorras o sombreros de beisbol de su tienda ya que veian que la gente no suele incluirlos en sus looks.
The other day, one of the community manager of Fanatics sent me an email asking me that if I wanted to participate making a 'Sporty Look' with their baseball caps/hats from his shop because they see that people often do not include them in their looks.
Yo, en cambio, suelo incluirlos bastante porque adoro las gorras de beisbol, baloncesto, las raperas, los beanies, los sombreros...gorros de todas clases.
I love hats and I wear them always I can. I love baseball-basket caps, "raper" caps, beanies...All kind of hats!
I love hats and I wear them always I can. I love baseball-basket caps, "raper" caps, beanies...All kind of hats!
Yo creia que era para mandarme un gorro de mi elección y hacerme fotos para promocionar, cosa que me hubiese hecho mucha ilusión, (o no terminaba de explicarse o no me lo decía bien o yo no le terminaba de entender) o incluirme, como me dijo, en un reto...pero donde no gano el gorro elegido...Pero en fin...No gano nada, sólo que si les gusta me publicarán por sus redes, es decir, lo que estoy haciendo es darle publicidad porque sí, pero como me gustó el collage que hice sobre el look deportivo con mi equipo favorito de beisbol, pues os lo enseño.
I thought that they were to send me a hat of my choice and I'd make pictures of me with that hat to promote the shop or something like that (which would has made me very happy) but no, they explained to me that it was a challenge and if I wanted to participate...well, I not win the hat selected...I do not earn anything (maybe MAYBE publicity in their social media). I'm giving publicity to them, for free XD haha; but I made a collage about my favourite baseball team and I liked it, for that reason I'll show you this 'sporty look'.
I thought that they were to send me a hat of my choice and I'd make pictures of me with that hat to promote the shop or something like that (which would has made me very happy) but no, they explained to me that it was a challenge and if I wanted to participate...well, I not win the hat selected...I do not earn anything (maybe MAYBE publicity in their social media). I'm giving publicity to them, for free XD haha; but I made a collage about my favourite baseball team and I liked it, for that reason I'll show you this 'sporty look'.
Aun así, he de ser sincera y me parece que, aunque tenga ropa original de los equipos de beisbol, baloncesto y etc, son cosas BASTANTE caras, aunque ME ENCANTAN varias cosas, yo no las compraría porque no me las puedo permitir. Pero si alguien puede permitirselo creo que es un buen lugar donde encontrar un mogollon de cosas de tus equipos favoritos ya que tienen mucha variedad.
I have to be sincere, I think that these clothes are VERY expensive (although I like them...) and i can't spend so much money in clothes like these but...If you have money and you can spend your money in these clothes, Fanatics is an AWESOME shop because they have a big variety and styles!
I have to be sincere, I think that these clothes are VERY expensive (although I like them...) and i can't spend so much money in clothes like these but...If you have money and you can spend your money in these clothes, Fanatics is an AWESOME shop because they have a big variety and styles!

Como es invierno y empieza a hacer bastante frio me decanté por un Beanie con colores que me encantan (rojo y negro) que vienen perfectos para navidad. Además, aunque es un look deportivo lo veo bastante femenino y "alternativo", muy yo.
Well, it's winter and it's cold, for that reason I have chosen a warm beanie with red & black colors (perfect for Christmas). Although it's a "sporty look" I think it's a good femenine-alternative coord.
Well, it's winter and it's cold, for that reason I have chosen a warm beanie with red & black colors (perfect for Christmas). Although it's a "sporty look" I think it's a good femenine-alternative coord.
Medias con cruces o algún motivo similar // Cross tights
Falda roja skater // Red Skater Skirt
Camiseta simple de los Red Sox // Red Sox T-shirt
Chaqueta de cuero de los Sox // Red Sox Leather Jacket
Mochila y gorros a juego // Bag and hat.
Ah! Y unas botas plataformas también de cuero a juego con la chaqueta que no falten! // And an awesome leather platforms!
Si, mi equipo son los Red Sox ^^
Yeah! I like red Sox!!